Results Spring Auction Sale 333-336 16. - 20. March 2020 WORLD COINS AND MEDALS Collection areas CELTIC COINS GREEK COINS ROMAN COINS BYZANTINE COINS ORIENTAL COINS MIGRATION PERIOD COINS OF THE CRUSADERS GERMAN COINS AND MEDALS COIN OBJECTS AND COIN JEWELLERY LOTS EUROPEAN COINS AND MEDALS WORLD COINS AND MEDALS THE HOLY ROMAN EMPIRE/AUSTRIAN COINS MEDALS GERMAN COINS SINCE 1871 your selection All topics ÄGYPTEN ÄQUATORIAL GUINEA AFGHANISTAN AUSTRALIEN BRASILIEN CHILE CHINA DOMINIKANISCHE REPUBLIK GUATEMALA HAITI HONG KONG INDIEN IRAN JAPAN JORDANIEN KANADA KOLUMBIEN KUBA MAROKKO MEXIKO MUSCAT UND OMAN PAKISTAN PERU SAUDI-ARABIEN SÜDAFRIKA SYRIEN TUNESIEN URUGUAY VENEZUELA VEREINIGTE STAATEN VON AMERIKA / USA your selection All areas Reset selection | Catalogue Selection | Advanced search Auction catalogs Hide catalogs Catalog 333Asia Minor, Cyprus - The Dr. W. R. Collection, part 4 | Coins from the ancient world a. o. the Phoibos Collection, a Collection from an ancient coin connoisseur and a hanseatic roman coin connoisseur Catalog on the Internet Download PDFRead in the browser Catalog 334The Samel Collection - Jewish Coin and Medals Catalog on the Internet Download PDFRead in the browser Catalog 335Bracteates from Upper Swabia and the area of the Lake Constance | Coins and Medals from Medieval and Modern Times, a. o. the Dr. Karl Walter Bach Collection of coins of the Austrian nobility, Special collections of Bavaria, Lubeck, Wurttemberg as well as siege coins from the Eberhard Link Collection Catalog on the Internet Download PDFRead in the browser Catalog 336Gold coins from all over the World | German Coins after 1871 Catalog on the Internet Download PDFRead in the browser Advanced search Hide expanded search Lot-Number Hammer-price / sale price All nominal values500 Piaster50 Piaster1 Ekwele5 Amani2 Tilla10.000 Afghani5 RupienSovereign1/2 SovereignKu.-Penny4.000 Reis6.400 Reis20.000 Reis4.800 Reis (Nennwert: 4.000 Reis)160 Reis10 Pesos8 Reales4 Escudos100 YuanSet von 5x 50 YuanSilberbarren zu 11 Tael100 Pesos1/2 Escudo1.000 Gourdes1.000 Dollars1 Mohur1 Tola1 Pahlevi2 1/2 Pahlevi1 Yen25 DinarsProof Set5 Cents8 Escudos2 EscudosSilbermedaille5 Dirhams (1/2 Rial)Goldmedaille1 PesoEscudo1.000 Rupien50 Soles100 Soles1/5 LibraSaudi Pound2 ShillingsPound25 Piaster (15 Francs)5 Pesos20 Bolivares20 Dollars1 Dollar5 Dollars2 1/2 Dollars10 Dollars3 DollarsZinnmedaille1 DimeBronzemedailleSilver DollarSaidi RialReal1/4 RealToken zu 3 PenceKu.-1/2 Penny1/2 Dollar5 Cents (1/2 Dime)25 Cents50 Cents (1/2 Dollar) All materialsAV AR CU NI SN AE Reset expanded search | Reset all