
Our business is built on personal contact.

Our professional customer service team is glad to assist you with any questions regarding buying, selling, ordering catalogs, bidding and shipping. You will receive the information you need quickly and directly. Our collegues are committed to making sure that none of your numismatic wishes remain unfulfilled. 

They will take note of your requests regarding coins from ancient world to modern times as well as orders and decorations, and decide which specialist help you best. 

In addition to German, you will receive assistance in many other languages: English, French, Italian, Arabic, Russian and Ukrainian.

We also answer many frequently asked questions online under FAQ - Frequently Asked Questions.

Telephone: +49 541 96202 0
Fax: +49 541 96202 22

Your personal contact partners

You are welcome to contact them.

Kmar Chachoua
French, German, English, Arabic
Alexandra Elflein-Schwier
English, French, Italian, German
Elena Pauls
English, Italian, German
Bettina Rietz
English, French, German
Cristina Welzel
Italian, English, French, German
Dr. Larissa Bunina
Ukrainian, English, Russian, German
Elke Lamla

Dowload your guide to a successful auction participation

Wir helfen Ihnen gerne

In diesem Dokument erklären wir, was Sie beachten müssen, um erfolgreich an einer Auktion teilzunehmen, ob Sie telefonisch mitbieten können und was nach der Auktion passiert.

Download [PDF]

We are happy to assist you

In this document, we explain what you need to bear in mind to participate successfully in an auction, whether you can bid by telephone and what happens after the auction.

Download [PDF]

Nous vous aidons avec plaisir

Dans ce document, nous expliquons ce à quoi vous devez faire attention pour participer avec succès à une vente aux enchères, si vous pouvez enchérir par téléphone et ce qui se passe après la vente aux enchères.

Download [PDF]

Siamo lieti di aiutar La

In questo documento vi spieghiamo cosa dovete sapere per partecipare con successo a un'asta, se potete fare offerte per telefono e cosa succede dopo l'asta.

Download [PDF]

Ми завжди раді допомогти Вам

У цьому документі ми пояснюємо, що потрібно знати для успішної участі в аукціоні, чи можна робити ставки по телефону і що відбувається після аукціону.

Download [PDF]
„Maintaining your trust and confidence is of the utmost importance to us. We are committed to providing you with the best possible service and exceeding your expectations.“
Dr. Andreas Kaiser and Ulrich Künker, Managing Directors
Personal contact is the basis of our business.

Can we help you? The quickest way is to talk to us personally. We look forward to your call.

Tel. +49 541 96202 0
Welcome to the new shop of
We are proud to announce our new website today! 

After intensive planning and creative processes, we present you the new homepage in a fresh, modern design that reflects our passion for coins. Discover our completely new appearance with current offers in the store, exciting information about coins in the blog and our impressive auctions especially our current Berlin Auction Sale 418

We welcome you to become part of this exciting world! Thank you for your trust and your loyalty to Künker. We hope that you like our new corporate identity as much as we do and look forward to starting this new era together with you.

Best regards from Osnabrück,
Your Künker Team

Please note that due to a Europe-wide legal change in the VAT treatment of objects from third countries, some items must be sold with standard taxation. For customers in Germany, this means: the premium is 20% plus (usually) 7% reduced VAT. For customers from other EU member states, we will charge 20% plus the VAT applicable in the respective country when shipping.

If you have any questions, please contact our customer service.

You can find more information here