BREDA Stadt.Silbermedaille 1667,
BREDA Stadt.Silbermedaille 1667,
Estimated price: €5,000
Hammer price
RR Sehr attraktives Exemplar mit ausdrucksvoller Patina, vorzüglich
Vgl. den Kommentar bei Hawkins, S. 529: "The burning ships in the distance allude to the burning of the English ships at Chatham. 13 June, 1667. The allusion to this attack upon a medal, struck by authority of the states upon the establishment of peace, as well as the motto MALA BESTIA, which was applied by the evil disposed to Charles himself, gave great offence. [...] Brandt, in his life of Michael De Ruyter, states that 1,000 ducatons were paid to the artist on the dies being destroyed."
Information for lot 681 from Auction 387
Nominal/Year | Silbermedaille 1667, |
Rarity | RR |
Quotes | Eimer 240; Pax in Nummis 257; v. Loon II, S. 555, 1; Hawkins S. 528, Nr. 176 |